Mitch's Mobile Electronics w Elmont

Stany ZjednoczoneMitch's Mobile Electronics



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1267, Burton Avenue, 11003, Elmont, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-595-9473
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6974299, Longitude: -73.687744

komentarze 5

  • Alex Feaser

    Alex Feaser


    I couldn't be more impressed or satisfied with Mitch's work and customer service. Not only did he come to me to do the install, but he offered the best deal around, and responded to my quote in minutes. Will definitely return, and I highly recommend.

  • en

    Michael Katz


    Mitch was great it's nice to find a person who does what they say they're going to do and does it right the first time and with professionalism and courtesy. I would recommend Mitch to anyone and everyone. PS pricing was excellent I could not be happier with his work.

  • en

    Donny Greenberger


    Mitch did an awesome job installing DVD players to the rear of my headrests. He managed to hide all the wires and even came up with a way to mount them to the headrest poles so that the kids will be able to see them. He put a cutoff switch up front and made a custom splitter so that I have the option to listen on the player's speakers or the truck's speakers. This guy does meticulous work and really takes his time doing it so that it is done right. He could have cut corners, but didn't. I'd go back to him if I have any more A/V needs.

  • en

    James Lubin


    I wanted to install an aftermarket back up camera in my 2005 Toyota highlander. I searched for a professional installer on yelp. I successfully communicated with several installers via yelp's multiple quotes option. Mitch was the most professional, fairly priced, and informative. He provided laborious details on options and alternatives without sounding pushy or overbearing. I decided to take a chance with his services. Mitch delivered. I watched the entire install. He was knowledgeable, careful, clean, and friendly. I never felt rushed. Mitch knows his stuff. Mitch clearly has devoted a significant amount of his professional and personal time to automotive electronics and installs. I wish him the best moving forward. And who knows, maybe I'll decide to add some more toys to my vehicle and I will certainly go back to Mitch.

  • en

    Richard Doyle


    You will find nobody better. Mitch is a master at what he does. He is the most honest & meticulous. You will be extremely happy with the work that he will do for you. I have used Mitch for 3 different jobs and have been absolutely blown away by his knowledge and skill. Mitch comes to you and does the work at your home. He does work better than any shop that you might go to. He will take the time to work with you to get the right system for what you need and provide it to you at a fair and honest price. I will work with Mitch again, and I recommend him to everyone that I know.

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