Mavis Discount Tire w East Meadow

Stany ZjednoczoneMavis Discount Tire



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2139, Hempstead Turnpike, 11554, East Meadow, Nassau County, US ארצות הברית
kontakt telefon: +1 516-267-5000
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7253989, Longitude: -73.5572715

komentarze 5

  • en

    Arielle Cruz


    I brought my car in on a Friday morning because it was deflating. The staff told me they would be able to look at it that day I brought the car in around 10am and it was repaired by 12pm; the tire could be patched and didn’t need replacing. The staff member was nice enough to service my car right in the lot where I parked it since by that time all the air in the tire was gone. $21 later and I was back on the road Definitely had some great service

  • Victoria Lazo

    Victoria Lazo


    Nobody should be kept waiting for almost 2 hours to change one tire. The guy "helping" us was terrible and for the most part useless, we are currently still in the parking lot with the car propped up. In the time he's accomodated us he's helped one other person, stopped for a cigarette, and went to talk/flirt with his female friend for half an hour. He had headphones on the entire time so we couldn't even get his attention. Changing a single tire is NOT a long job; why he is unable to help us before doing other things is beyond my understanding. We came early hoping to get the job done and over with, other tire shops have done it in under 20 minutes in the past. First and last time coming here.

  • en

    Ronald Giacalone


    Been here for over an hour to have 1 tire changed. Still waiting on a jack. Literally watched the guy "working" on my tire talk to someone while smoking a cigarette for about 10 mins. AVOID unless you have nothing better to do with your day. I feel like I'm being held hostage.

  • en

    Charles Cato


    I'm always quoted one ETA then it takes at least twice as long. I was told 60-90 minutes to swap out snow tires with All Seasons (that I brought in myself), it's approaching 3 hours and my car is still on a lift with only 1 wheel completed. I wouldn't be as upset if this wasn't the 3rd time it's happened at this location.

  • Samuel Hutcherson

    Samuel Hutcherson


    Good place to get tires but be careful these trying to Hype prices up on you

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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