Mavis Discount Tire w Bay Shore

Stany ZjednoczoneMavis Discount Tire



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1742, Sunrise Highway, 11706, Bay Shore, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-665-8690
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7367058, Longitude: -73.2411531

komentarze 5

  • en

    weslee king


    What can I say but bravo great customer service clean well lit comfortable waiting area .great mechanics very reasonable prices. Used to go to a privately owned garage and just got fed up with being taken advantage of and charged absorbant prices for nothing .mavis was like a breath of fresh air honesty and integrity was something I'd thought was dead but I was wrong it's alive and thriving here at mavis we now have them service both our vehicles .don't hesitate giving them a try I think you will be pleasantly surprised .what I really thought was commendable was they treated my 82 year old mom like a queen she loved the service and didn't feel like she was being treated any different because or talk down to her but explained everything in plain English. Any how we are all very. Happy with the services rendered will be our go to auto mechanics and they have tow service options as well AA+++

  • en

    Bryan Scholl


    Great shop. Very knowledgeable staff.

  • en

    Kev Z.


    Won’t recommend, said I had to replace all these parts for hundreds of dollars but I felt something wasn’t right. I go to my professional car dealer service and they said most of what they said wasn’t necessary. Don’t waste time and money there.

  • en



    Horrible. I just wanted a simple repair done and they came up with all these excuses that required me to pay more money. I felt something was terribly wrong and I declined their service. I went to my car dealer service and asked them about the services and they said most of the services except the one I had originally asked for were not necessary and there was no problem. Glad I decline the service.

  • jonnyL516



    I had a great experience. The mechanics were very kind and informative. They were very helpful. One mechanic in particular was a gentleman named Ryan. He was a great help. I would highly recommend this place for any type of maintenance you need for your car or anything else. This is the place to go to!

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