Mary Ellen Roth - State Farm Insurance Agent i Fishkill

Forenede StaterMary Ellen Roth - State Farm Insurance Agent



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982, Main Street, 12524, Fishkill, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-896-6661
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.5298508, Longitude: -73.9061153

kommentar 5

  • en

    Clear Port


  • en

    Gordon Flayter


    I signed up with Mary Ellen Roth over three years ago after being with an agent that only sent me increasing bills year after year for my cars, home and motorcycle. Not only was I quoted several hundreds of dollars less, but the service was very personable by her and her staff. Additionally, they ask me to come in for a review every year to ensure I am getting the best value and right products for my money. When I had an accident Mary Ellen called me in and took the time to sit with me to assure me everything would be handled and to put any concerns I had to rest. I couldn't be happier with this agency.

  • Dee Langdon

    Dee Langdon


    Worst agent ever....

  • sarah rusk

    sarah rusk


    I love being able to call or walk in and see the same person everytime! The ladies are so knowledgeable and give great financial advise. I'm never calling a 800 # again!

  • Susan sharpe

    Susan sharpe


    I'm going to find a different company. I called them because someone back into my car to report it and to get help they just told me to contact the other person insurance and that I didn't even have to call them. I never had an insurance company tell me that n didn't want to help me. It's not like everyday I'm getting into an accident so I don't know what to do.

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