Allstate Insurance Agent: Annalisa Romano i Fishkill

Forenede StaterAllstate Insurance Agent: Annalisa Romano



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1012c, Main Street, 12524, Fishkill, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-896-5880
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.5329908, Longitude: -73.9054102

kommentar 5

  • en

    Frank Campo


    I so glad I made the call to switch to Anna Lisa's agency, she has saved me a bundle and made it quick and easy to change my insurance. Bravo Anna Lisa you sure have a wining team!!!

  • en

    Mary Catherine Poulin


  • john borrell

    john borrell


    We're very happy with the service at the Fishkill Allstate office I'm recommend many of our friends and family to go see John. And annalis there for.. very good deals and excellent service with attention to detail

  • en

    Cheryl Celentano


    Everyone at this agency has always been really nice and aiming to please. It is a pleasure to call them on the phone. They always handle whatever business I need in a timely manner. Thank you :-)

  • Andrew Seward

    Andrew Seward


    It was great working with Annalisa. She has been checking in with me religiously for the last few years to remind me to compare rates. In the past it was not worth or it difference was less than 50. This year I saved almost $1000 for superior coverage so I'm very happy to be joining the All State family. In addition to saving me money, she was incredibly responsive, courteous and helpful. If the customer service I receive from other Allstate representative is only half as good I'll be a loyal customer and referring her and the brand to all my friends and family.

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