Madewell w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneMadewell



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1237, Wisconsin Avenue Northwest, 20007, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 202-333-3599
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9060187, Longitude: -77.0625579

komentarze 5

  • en

    henry castellon


    My wife went there with my cousin and they had a good time shopping

  • Stacey Audrey

    Stacey Audrey


    Cute clothes!

  • Karin Baptiste

    Karin Baptiste


    2 levels. Lotsa sale items. Beautiful rustic appeal. Great layout and well decorated.

  • Justine Kendall

    Justine Kendall


    Very cute store, very well located. The clothes are a specific style so I'm not reviewing those. This store itself however is really attractively laid out and has super helpful staff. They answered all my questions, helped me find the perfect jeans, and then took a lot of extra effort to order the right ones for me since they didn't actually have them in the store. I'll be going back again as soon as I can save enough pennies.

  • Meg Smith

    Meg Smith


    I love shopping at Madewell. Both the space and the display are gorgeous and irresistible -- simply walking through the store makes you feel good. Service is friendly and helpful and thankfully not overbearing. Changing rooms are large and plentiful. Fun, fresh styles and comfortable, affordable jeans keep me coming back for more. I just bought a new pair last week and have worn them every day since -- high praise indeed.

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