Luxe Nail & Spa en Stamford

Estados UnidosLuxe Nail & Spa



🕗 horarios

860, High Ridge Road, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 203-322-5883
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1007594, Longitude: -73.5482385

comentarios 5

  • en

    M P


    I am not impressed with the service.

  • en

    Fiona Slater


    This place is wonderful!! The chair massage is incredible and the best part is the stretch after, really completes the experience. My color lasted really well. Great service and really clean.

  • en

    Tara O'Brien


    I have been going to Lux since it opened, great atmosphere and very, very clean!! Sophia and Ken make the experience at their nail salon very friendly and relaxing experience, Bonuses are Amy and Joey who gives a great massage!

  • Andrew Maderia

    Andrew Maderia


    Ivy is a rockstar. That's who I see when I come in. Everyone is really friendly and they all do a fantastic job.

  • Arlene Villanueva

    Arlene Villanueva


    Not going here again! I wanted a certain design on my nails and they agreed they could do the design on the acrylic nails I was getting. Turns out they couldn't deliver. They were not able to do the design i was going for - they never apologized nor provided any kind of discount. Very dissapointing and just an overall unprofessional experience. Please do not go here! Beau nails has become my favorite place now which is only down a few blocks.

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