Beau Nails & Spa en Stamford

Estados UnidosBeau Nails & Spa



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889, High Ridge Road, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 203-322-2070
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1017984, Longitude: -73.547695

comentarios 5

  • Christopher Spiegelman

    Christopher Spiegelman


    Best nail salon in the area. Clean, professional and do such a great job. No pressure to upsell like all the other salons.

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    lisa clements


    What a wonderful experience! Nails are perfect and waxing is neat and clean. I am a regular customer now!

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    Katie Beltran


    I got a gift certificate for this nail salon , upon entering it was very nice , lady who did my mani and pedi named Tory was ok. I tried to make conversation but it was a very one sided convo. Which made it very boring . Once asked to pay I presented my gift certificate, she stated tax would be $2.00 I pulled my card out because I did not have cash on me and I also told her to apply the tip on there .She said tip was cash only and that she could not charge tax on my card . I then went to a few atms at local business around the area . Which weren't working so I told her . The lady behind the desk who I believe to be the owner approached me in a extremely aggressive manner telling to put tip on the card as well as the tax , which I agreed to . The aggressive manner in which she came at me with a very nasty attitude made this the worst experience of my life !!!! And she made sure to yell out "next time bring cash only" . Never again am I coming ! Ever!

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    Nina Gonzalez


    Lady behind the desk maybe owner is very rude never coming here again!!! Worst experience

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    Linda Modugno


    I love this nail salon! All of the staff are very polite and professional. It's always a pleasurable experience and super clean. They use high quality products and my nails always look fabulous for weeks!

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