Lock Down Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu w Lake Ronkonkoma

Stany ZjednoczoneLock Down Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu



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733, Hawkins Avenue, 11779, Lake Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-276-1338
strona internetowej: www.lockdownbjj.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.834989, Longitude: -73.109345

komentarze 5

  • en

    Patrick McCauley


    What I believe that separates Professor Thompson out from other instructors that I have encountered is his dedication to all of his students. He not only gives the same amount of dedication to his high ranks and the people who compete, he gives this same level of attentiveness to any student who gets down on the mat that day.

  • 1UPWill



    Great place to train! Feels like my home, great group of guys and girls to train with and a top of the line facility thats always clean. Professor Joe truly cares about his students and I'm very thankful to call Lockdown home. Whether you want to get in shape or learn how to fight, you will feel welcomed and have a great time training.

  • Andrew Orlando

    Andrew Orlando


    Professor Joe is a great BJJ coach. A fearless competitor himself, he can work with you to help you become a great BJJ competitor. If getting in shape is your goal, he is a great motivator and will give you excellent advice on and off the mats. Most of all, you will have fun training BJJ with Professor Joe and his highly skilled students!

  • en

    Guy Marcello


    Beautiful academy, great group of guys, features all the respect and discipline of a traditional martial arts school with the modern techniques of the the greatest fighting style ever known to man. I haven't known Professor Thompson long but I've been around the BJJ and MMA community on Long Island for over a decade and Professor Thompson is as knowledgeable and as detail focused an instructor as I've ever come across. He is also honest and trust worthy, and one of the top students of all time great Master Soca. Tremendous place to learn whether you are a complete newbie or a grizzled veteran!!

  • Jessica Napolitano

    Jessica Napolitano


    Professor Joseph Thompson is one of the most thorough, caring professors in the sport. He doesn't stop until the whole class is on the same page and grasping the move of the week. Patience and determination flows off him as does what he does best; teach this sport to others. Been with Joseph Thompson since the beginning, best choice I made was to join the family of Lockdown BJJ

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