Little Donuts w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneLittle Donuts



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5081, Little Road, 76017, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-483-2107
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6649624, Longitude: -97.2057778

komentarze 5

  • en

    David Holland


    The owners of this place are two of the sweetest, most generous people I know, and they have a work ethic that puts most people to shame! I've never eaten anything there that I didn't really enjoy, but their apple fritters are the best- and trust me- I know my fritters!

  • Alexandra Sargent

    Alexandra Sargent


    These are the best donuts that I've had in a long time. My old donut shop is under new management and the donuts just didn't taste the same. I didn't want to drive all the way across town to Krispy Kreme so, I reluctantly stopped here. Boy, am I glad I did!! This is now my NEW REGULAR DONUT SHOP!!! This visit, I only got a dozen regular glazed donuts and they were perfect. I didn't even need to warm them up to make them soft. They are JUST THE WAY I LIKE THEM!! I cannot wait to try other items they have.

  • Rick Bibb

    Rick Bibb


    Awesome donuts great tasting best in Arlington

  • PuertoRican DozerMan

    PuertoRican DozerMan


    Donuts are always fresh. And they have breakfast crescents that are delicious.

  • Jocelynn St.Clair

    Jocelynn St.Clair


    I love this donut shop. Little donuts owners are highly personable. The shop stays xlean and the donuts are fresh. Gloves used appropriately for food handeling. I always enjoy the fact that the community is allotted a space to advertise different skill set useful to thy neighbor. And last but not least when you are paying for your order there is a dry erase board behind the counter that gives us a piece of daily scripture. I moved about 30 miles northeast and still make a Saturday morning commute for fresh donuts and sausage rolls.

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