Lemon Tree Of Lake Ronkonkoma w Ronkonkoma

Stany ZjednoczoneLemon Tree Of Lake Ronkonkoma



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238, Portion Road, 11779, Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-588-4902
strona internetowej: lemon-tree-of-lake-ronkonkoma.business.site
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.826506, Longitude: -73.1032644

komentarze 5

  • CJC cjc

    CJC cjc


    Tracy cuts hair great !

  • en

    Johnny Collado


    i went there 3 times, first time was great, 2nd was ok but the 3rd was horrible. customer service was fine but the quality of the haircut and the what seemed to be lack of experienced employees scared me enough never to go back. i paid and left to go straight to another hair salon hoping they could fix what this hair salon ruined.

  • en

    Debbie G


    Terrible customer service. Made an appointment on Saturday for 9:00 a.m. Sunday. I had my daughters baby shower and just wanted a blow out. when I arrived ON TIME for my appointment, there was a gentleman called ahead of me while the receptionist told me she would be with me shortly. When I told her I had a 9:00 app., she said "so did he and his person called in, what do you want me to do?" So unfortunately, there is no backup plan if someone calls in, and they do not honor who's appointment is actually with the person who did come in nor do they honor what time your appointment was for. NOR did they call and let me know there would be a delay. I was never a fan of lemon tree and this just solidifies my opinion. Good luck to any new comers. Another shop in the same town did much better so I was lucky in the end.

  • en

    Justin Muller


    I recently just switched stylists and tried The lemon tree in ronkonkoma. The salon was very clean and they acknowledged me as soon as I walked in the door. I had a great haircut and will be useing them every two weeks. Highly Reccomended !!!

  • en

    Dee Obrien


    I'd give zero stars if I could, I walked in without an appointment, after waiting to be acknowledged for a few minutes a girl with long black hair, her chair is the first one behind the counter, came over and asked can i help you, I showed her a picture of what I wanted, and she made a face a proceeded to show other people the picture, I said please don't look like it's the impossible to accomplish, after making her face... I mean they are suppose to be professional..and she said well yeah your not gonna get this..she was rude made me feel like an idiot for even showing her the picture and she's unprofessional. ..another girl came over and was much nicer her name was Michelle or Melissa I can't remember. .. But I'd never again be humiliated by that girl again..I'm sure she's a beauty school drop out anyway. ..

najbliższy Salon piękności

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