lavender garden spa/queen ays nails w Ronkonkoma

Stany Zjednoczonelavender garden spa/queen ays nails



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133, Ronkonkoma Avenue, 11779, Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-588-3855
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.825669, Longitude: -73.109719

komentarze 5

  • en

    Patricia Moos


    Very rude people....I don't like that they have two different people doing my mani/pedi...

  • en

    Tina Pergolizzi


    I went to this nail spa frequently until one day. I had came in to get my nails done on a Thursday, so the reason for why there were three separate people who did my manicure is questionable. When I first walked in, they had told me there was a wait but then frantically sat my sister and myself down at the isolated chairs in the spa. The first woman who started my nails was very rude, inexperienced, and extremely unprofessional. My sister’s woman and the woman working on my nails kept switching off, the reason for that is not known and was not necessary, for I had to tip MORE THAN ONE PERSON ON TOP OF THE $50 I SPENT ON MY SISTER’S NAILS AND MYSELF. She was constantly talking to the woman working on my sister’s nails, forgetting what part of my manicure she was up to, and even messed up my nails a few times. I even had to ask the woman working on my nails to fix them, when it was clearly obvious they were pretty messed up. As if the experience I had that day was not bad enough, there’s a bonus to this experience as well. Three weeks passed since I had last gone to this nail salon and had not painted my nails since. I had GROWN A GREEN FUNGUS CALLED PARYONCHIA on the inside of my left middle finger which started to grow rapidly, causing an excruciating pain. The doctor said the fungus was likely due to me going to a spa with unsanitary tools and unsterilized equipment. I will never get my nails done at this nail salon again, terrible experience. If I could rate lavender nail spa a zero, I would.

  • en

    Colette Cristani


    Rude disrespectful nasty people I'll never go there again. I'm disgusted by how I was treated. Lucky I'm not cursing.

  • en

    Lilli A.


    Love this salon, every time I go in they are very friendly and fast; always very respectful. I usually go to Alex who is amazing in everything; but other people there are also amazing with designs. Pricing a little higher than I'd like but you pay for quality, and that's what I like.

  • en

    Chris tina


    I always get my nails done here. I have never had a problem until today. The gentleman, Gary who did my pedicure was great. However, Sean the man who did my manicure was very rude. He left me sitting there while he massaged another woman. The woman who was working at the next station noticed that I was done and waiting for Sean to come back over. She was nice enough to finish my nails. When I was paying that's when Sean finally came over. Surprise, surprise. I tipped Gary $5 and gave $3 to the woman who finished my nails and unfortunately I gave Sean $2. Very disappointed. I do not recommend Sean at all.

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