Lee Nails w Norwalk

Stany ZjednoczoneLee Nails



🕗 godziny otwarcia

280, Connecticut Avenue, 06854, Norwalk, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-838-2828
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1033825, Longitude: -73.4358613

komentarze 5

  • Erica Santiago

    Erica Santiago


    Waited for about 20 minutes with no one asking if I needed help. The place is very quite, it appears to be clean nice amount of nail color selection and services provided. However, the price list on the wall is written very small & service is slow. Save yourself some time and possibly money, go somewhere else.

  • Yuvaraj Velumani

    Yuvaraj Velumani


    Be aware with your Credit Card transactions. They charged me extra on my TIP value when I mentioned a different value for men’s hair cut Cheaters and money minded ladies...

  • dunmersister Austin

    dunmersister Austin


    Very welcoming and lively New to the area and wanted to give it a try since it's closest to my house and all other nail spas in Norwalk failed to leave me satisfied. But I've become a regular since my first visit with them. I'm prone to getting ingrown nails all the time and when I came to them i could hardly stand my own toes.They fixed me up and I no longer suffer from ingrown toenails 😁 as long as I keep coming back for regular maintenance that is . I gotta give mad props to my pedicurist "Artlet" for without her patience and awesomeness my feet and I would sorely be in pain. Just a tip they get mad busy on the weekends so if you need a last minute walk in I suggest you call ahead and make an appointment. I usually come during the week when it's not as busy.

  • en

    Jaunide Mongerard


    Very good customer service plus my nail was done well, they weren't able to do the design i ask for.

  • Amber Marie

    Amber Marie


    First time here got here the minute they open was the 1st person... the young lady was way too slow 11 a.m still here nowhere near done very mad last time coming.

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