Sono Academy w Norwalk

Stany ZjednoczoneSono Academy


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

84, North Main Street, 06854, Norwalk, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-642-3600
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1013133, Longitude: -73.4202318

komentarze 5

  • en

    Victoria Taiwo


    I took the MAC makeup certification course wig Hair Sarah, and i have to say, she’s an amazing teacher. She doesn’t only demonstrate the looks and skills, but she gets Be is the opportunity to practice on each other while she comes around to help each student. I appreciate the class because she isn’t only teaching us skill we need to be professional makeup artist, but she’s also instilling confidence in us to go out there and actually showcase our talent!!

  • Kaitlin Muro

    Kaitlin Muro


    I usually go here because it's super cheap and everyone is super talented. Don't let the fact that students are cutting your hair scare you. I honestly prefer going here because of how old the stylists are because I feel they are better able to understand the look or style I am going for. UPDATE: I have had one bad experience here. And it was mostly due to the fact that the girl cutting my hair was basically telling me that she didn't really even want to be a stylist or pass her test. I should have just said something straight out to her or the manager when it happened because it was really unprofessional. But that was the only time I ever felt like the product and service was compromised.

  • en

    crystal lopez


    By far the best , great environment professional , hands on and exercises our talents to our best ability. Amazing teacher Sarah B charismatic and engages with the class every step of the way. Dont miss out 😉

  • en

    asma ahmad


    Sarah Beke is one of the best makeup artist teacher. The makeup artistry class is one the best classes I have every taken. I have learned so much from this class. She takes her time to teach and answer question. I would highly recommend to take this class.

  • Arleen Laughlin

    Arleen Laughlin


    Sara Beck taught makeup classes in Sono Academy and she is completely amazing.! She had great enthusiam , technique and patience. I completely loved the classes she gave.! I high recommend her and the classes she teaches .!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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