Law Office of Brian C. Hargrove i Azle

Forenede StaterLaw Office of Brian C. Hargrove



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917, Boyd Road, 76020, Azle, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-444-4878
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Latitude: 32.9099915, Longitude: -97.5439483

kommentar 2

  • Colleena Hintz

    Colleena Hintz


    I just want to take a minute to brag on this Man and his staff. Brian and his staff have fought for over two years, YES two years, for me. I was rear-ended by a driver texting in a school zone, oh and her license was suspended due to a DWI.... Yes texting in a school zone should be a no brainer! But I am a single Mom with two kids. I injured my right shoulder in the accident and needed surgery but I just could not take 2 months off work and have the surgery because I had bills to pay. I was afraid I would not be able to pay my bills. So I put off my surgery as long as I could. I saved up enough PTO time to take off work and still pay my bills. I did finally have the surgery and of course the insurance company did not want to pay because I waited. Thanks to Brain, he made them "See the Light" and they did pay all of my medical bills! I am so thankful to him!! He never gave up!! He fought the hard fight and won!!! Thank you Brian for NEVER GIVING UP!!!! You and your staff are awesome, caring and understanding!!! I highly recommend Brian if you are in an accident he will not give up!!! Thank you again for everything!!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!

  • en

    TJ Owens


    I was referred to the Law Office Of Brian Hargrove after being in a car wreck. Brian was able to assist me on getting the medical treatment I needed without paying anything out of pocket. The other insurance company initially scoffed at my claim, but Brian was very prepared, and prepared me for the process. Ultimately my case settled for over 300% of the initial offer.

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