The Maynard Law Firm, PLLC i Fort Worth

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5205, Jacksboro Highway, 76114, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-335-9600
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.795773, Longitude: -97.399035

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amanda Workman


    Actual client of Patton Maynard law firm. Patton is an amazing man. When my ex took off with my kids. He wouldn't let me see them or talk to them. No other attorney would even help me. He gave me a chance to get my kids back. He is honest and to the point. He is truly an attorney who cares about his clients and his community. I will forever be eternally grateful for what he has done for me and my kids. I can't ever repay him for what he did to help me. You would be crazy to go anywhere else. I'm sorry, but the big chain attorney offices has nothing on this man. All they cared about was their bottom line and all he cared about was the truth. I was wanting to do this review when he gave me shot and took on my case, but decided to wait till it was over. Just take it from someone who was their. If their is ever a person to have on your side it's Patton Maynard. You can't do any better. Thanks.

  • Eric Draven

    Eric Draven


    Can this law firm provide pro bono service for people with limited income? I'm in need of a family pro bono lawyer fast.

  • Robert Blankenship

    Robert Blankenship


    I have known Patton for more than 20 years. I have worked as opposing counsel and I have worked as co-counsel with Patton. He works very hard for his clients and is a professional in every sense of the word. In those instances that I cannot take a case for one reason or the other Patton is one of the handful of attorneys I refer people to.

  • Melanie Mason

    Melanie Mason


    Patton was extremely helpful in explaining my options and directing me to the most logic, cost efficient route for my case. I highly recommend him and will be using him in the future!

  • en

    Scott Richardson


    Mr. Maynard has represented my Real Estate brokerage for almost a decade. My company is involved in all aspects of real estate including Real Estate brokerage, property management and construction. Every situation i have presented to Mr. Maynard has been resolved in an expedient manner and always in my favor. Over the years I have referred numerous clients to Mr. Maynard's firm. ALL of my clients have been impressed with Patton's ability to resolve complex situations extremely quickly and always in my client's favor. I highly recommend Patton and his staff!!

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