Laveen Black Bear Diner en Phoenix

Estados UnidosLaveen Black Bear Diner



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3530, West Baseline Road, 85339, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-237-7461
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.378135, Longitude: -112.136202

comentarios 5

  • en

    Robin Daviet


    I currently have a medical condition that significantly restricts my ability to eat meals. I can only have liquids and soft pureed foods. They have taken soups and oatmeal and pureed them so both my husband and I can enjoy eating out at our local Black Bear Diner in Laveen Arizona. We still get to enjoy eating out together. Thank you Black Bear for your thoughtful service and special employees.

  • Oscar Chavez

    Oscar Chavez


    I enjoy sitting at the counter at Black Bear Diner it's impressive to watch the hustle & be bustle of the Lunch Rush! Today was particularly intense as my server Deanna informed me that they were working short today (3 instead of 5) you could see the increased intensity as they flew from table to table, choreographing their movements with stacks of plates in hand and explaining/deciphering orders with the cooks over the counter. However, the service was quick and excellent as always. My food came right out and my cup was never empty. Keep up the good work everyone! 👏

  • en

    Ian Jones


    I went here my after a terrible day and my server (Brandon) turned my day around for the better. He was uplifting, encouraging, and completely hilarious! The food was also amazing, i got the vegetarian omelet (as per Brandon's suggestion) and was very surprised at the quality of the breakfast food in the afternoon. Definitely will be going back, and will ask for Brandon every time.

  • Ricardo Renteria

    Ricardo Renteria


    Great place for home cooked type meals. Large portions with great service. Our waitress was amazing, Her name was Krystal and she was on point. Took our order and brought us our food with no errors. Krystal continued to check on us throughout our dinning experience. I recommend Laveens Black Bear Diner for families and everyone hungry for good food and great service.

  • en

    Rob Craig


    We were visiting the Laveen area for a few days during the week of March 11. We decided to try the Black Bear Diner after reading some good reviews. We arrived early in the morning just after they opened. We had an amazing much so that we decided to come back the following day to see if the bacon was really that good or if it was just a 'one off'. was just as good (the best bacon I have ever had..not kidding). My wife had the bacon cakes and I stuck to traditional bacon and eggs. The second day my wife had the fiesta scramble and I had more eggs, bacon and some biscuits and gravy. Both days the customer service was excellent (two different servers), the place was clean and music was a nice touch. We will be returning when back in AZ and will be happy to recommend to any/all that want a great breakfast!

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