Jack In The Box en Phoenix

Estados UnidosJack In The Box



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
6120, South 35th Avenue, 85041, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-276-3653
sitio web: locations.jackinthebox.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.391006, Longitude: -112.1341977

comentarios 5

  • Harry Orlish IV

    Harry Orlish IV


    I have eaten here a few times recently and it keeps getting worse. The service, the food it's all getting worse every time I go there.

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    Angel Clark


    food decent & employees for most part nice except 1 female manager but think I caught her on bad day

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    Roger Brooks


    Every Jack is great. My favorite fast food, by far.

  • Khat Hansen

    Khat Hansen


    Every time I order curly fries they are cold and broken.. like I am getting the last of the bag. I showed the manager that out of my large order I had only 1 whole fry she acted like I was bothering her. $10 for my meal obviously means nothing. I won't be back...I usually take my family 3X a month @$40 = $120 of my money they won't be getting any longer.

  • nadene garcia

    nadene garcia


    I am a very picky eater and I don't play when it comes to spending money ,even for fast food ,I expect my food to be hot, fresh ,Krispy ,not overcooked when it comes to chicken .I travel twice as far because none of the Jack in the Box restaurants in a 10 mile radius can compare with the service and quality of food at this location store management is awesome! They are friendly and more than willing to help if something is not right I am talking about the evening shift I have not visited in the day

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