Lash Auto Group Service en Elmsford

Estados UnidosLash Auto Group Service



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410, Saw Mill River Road, 10523, Elmsford, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 844-301-2632
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0686634, Longitude: -73.8153317

comentarios 5

  • Saul Silverstein

    Saul Silverstein


    They service two of our cars and do it really well

  • en

    Roberto Lachhman


    when i got into trouble with the dealership i bought my vw jetta from i found this service department, i met jason one of the service member at Lash auto group and his service was beyond exponential he explain everything that was going to be done on my car and completed the work in a timly and effecient manner. if anyone is looking for over the top service i suggest giving jason a call and experiencing for yourself

  • Ivan Fider

    Ivan Fider


    Friendly and great service

  • Neil Chambers

    Neil Chambers


    Free coffee and refreshments. Wi-Fi and friendly service reps. Proficient handling of my tire issue.

  • Jenn Becker

    Jenn Becker


    I brought my car to Lash after moving to the area and being a devoted customer of a VW where I previously lived. For my first visit, the service agent, Jason, was friendly and helpful. The waiting area is really nice - they have wifi and a free coffee! For the inspection I was in and out quickly on a Saturday which was really impressive. Now, in the aftermath of a blown out tire - Jason also worked to secure a loaner car for me the next morning. Customer service is obviously something they care very much about. I'm happy to have found this place and recommend it highly!

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