La Prima Beauty Salón i Westbury

Forenede StaterLa Prima Beauty Salón



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190, Post Avenue, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-414-2833
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.755747, Longitude: -73.5876142

kommentar 5

  • B Wilk

    B Wilk


    Went here for a trim. They do pretty good trims. Attitudes could be better. However, when are the attitudes at any hair salon great?? -___- With that being said, this will not be my home salon. Onto the next one!

  • en

    Jenny Lovinsky


    Very affordable , perfect location you don't have to go far

  • pretty lugo

    pretty lugo


    Nice ladies ! Very well done Hair!!

  • xia long xia lin

    xia long xia lin


    The ladies there are so nice they are not after money they actually take care of your hair they tell you what not to do especially when I go the lady that does my hair always help me that is the only place I trust with my hair excellent place ten out of ten

  • en

    Rominegia Armand


    The best service they provide for healthy long hair!

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