Stetik Spa & Beauty i Westbury

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251, Post Avenue, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-307-9000
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Latitude: 40.7580275, Longitude: -73.5881963

kommentar 5

  • Tina Stefanovic

    Tina Stefanovic


    I went to get my hair done by Melissa and she did a great job! She listened to what I wanted and did it exactly how I wanted it. The atmosphere is amazing, all of the girls are lovely! Would highly recommend!

  • en

    Daniela Munoz


    Excellent experience! Amazing customer service. Clean facilities. Ashley was professional and experienced, she made my first waxing experience go smoothly.

  • en

    Ann Chang


    If you visit them with a Groupon expect the need to “rush you out” and in order to do this: Lady which serviced me she didn’t introduce her name but has an arm tattoo, 1) burned my hair by turning her blow dryer on maximum setting 2) burned my scalp too as the heat had clearly fried my tresses and was unbearable that at the end I had to ask her to turn it lower (5 minutes before the end of consultation) — got home next day clumps of hair fallen out due to a simple hair blowout and supposed hair conditioning service — ** all due to paying on Groupon ** so as a word of advice if you decide to go via this advertising medium don’t bother! They made the experience felt like garbage and rushed my service from completion to start in just a quick 35 minutes. Gave her nameless a tip of $6 and she didn’t even say thank you shouldn’t even have left anything for the damage to my hair and scalp to be truthful😵 I would not bother recommending any of my friends here and will not go back not worth the torture chambers 👎🤯😱

  • John-Paul Macedo

    John-Paul Macedo


    I had such an amazing experience with Patricia at Stetik!. The spa is spotless, she's professional and most importantly honest. I don't normally trust anybody with my face but she exceeded my expectations and I will definitely come back!!!I highly recommend it. -Alda

  • en

    catherine pappalardo


    I had the most amazing experience at Stetik. I was pampered like a queen and felt renewed when I left. The salon is beautiful, impeccably clean and organized. The staff is delightful and professional. They provide an array of state of the art services and products for you to purchase for use at home. I would highly recommend visiting. Thank you!

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