Klose & Associates en Nyack

Estados UnidosKlose & Associates



🕗 horarios

99, Main Street, 10960, Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-727-7727
sitio web: www.kloselaw.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.090935, Longitude: -73.9194603

comentarios 5

  • Nelli Tsormutyan

    Nelli Tsormutyan


    Peter helped us with our home purchase. He is very responsive, always available to answer calls and emails. Highly professional and has great personality, which makes this process easier to manage. I would definitely recommend him for his professional services.

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    Very Satisfied. Very Responsive. Handled time sensitive situation quickly and professionally. Will be returning with future legal needs

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    Thomas Rogoz


    I chose Peter for my first home purchse, and I'm very satisfied with his work. Always a phone call away to answer all questions.

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    Andi Metaliaj


    It was a pleasure to work with Peter. The process was very smooth and thorough. Thank you Peter for helping us in the purchase of our first house!!

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    Jody Olcese


    Klose & Associates were among a few legal teams available through our legal plan. My husband and I are extremely pleased with our decision to hire Peter Klose as our closing attorney. Everything surrounding the sale of our home was stressful, yet Peter's keen knowledge of real estate in the area put us at ease. He was accessible by phone and email. His email responses were timely and insightful. Peter always returned missed calls and if we ever caught him off guard, he was always quick to shift gears to our case. We felt as though Peter was genuinely looking out for us - it was like we had hired family. Words can't express how much we truly appreciated the guidance and expertise of Klose & Associates. Without a doubt, Peter Klose is second to none and we will definitely seek his services again if we ever need.

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