Robert S Lewis, P.C. en Nyack

Estados UnidosRobert S Lewis, P.C.



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53, Burd Street, 10960, Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-358-7100
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0901101, Longitude: -73.9175718

comentarios 4

  • Zev Lewinson

    Zev Lewinson


    Lazy. Sloppy. Heartless. Couldn't care less about his client's. His office is a cacophony of clients calling in to complain. Even forgets to show up in court. Rather play his guitar and with his English Pit Bull dog Oscar. I suffered excruciating pain while getting my divorce because of the gross ineptitude and laziness of this nice guy. My wife's attorney mauled him worse than a pit bull. Yes, Robert is a nice guy. Have a drink with him. Socialize with him to discuss the Yankees. But do not use him as a lawyer. I literally had to write my own motions during my divorce. The good news in that was that I was able to enter the communication between my ex and her lawyer into the court proceedings. Robert was so lazy that he didn't proofread what I wrote. Those emails saved my life. But they didn't save Robert. He was inept and lazy to the point that even upon being granted legal fees from our divorce court judge, he would not bill for them. He's great at getting a retainer out of you. And then everything stops. I fired him a year and two months into my divorce. It was not easy to do. But I complied with everything and Victor Alfieri had no choice but to allow me to get rid of this dead weight. Robert tried to hide the fact that I had given him proper and timely notice. There are so many good lawyers out there. Please spare yourself the stress I went through. And please avoid him for a bankruptcy lawyer. I used him in that arena and my bankruptcy took over a year to complete. He gave me zero guidance on filling out forms and all he did was forward requests from the trustee who tortured me needlessly till she finally signed off on my bankruptcy. And all Robert ever said was, "sit tight." I'm not angry at him. He had a mild stroke years ago. But he mumbles and is lazy. He should not be practicing law. I almost suffered my own heart attack and stroke using him as my lawyer.

  • Jerie Gee

    Jerie Gee


  • Crawford Deyo

    Crawford Deyo


  • en

    Emily Feiner


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