Joy Posh Nails w Mohegan Lake

Stany ZjednoczoneJoy Posh Nails



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1737, East Main Street, 10547, Mohegan Lake, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-603-3929
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.3239261, Longitude: -73.8513251

komentarze 5

  • en

    amanda volpe


    This place tried to act like they are great meanwhile they gave me a gel manicure and it came off two days later. I’m not too sure that’s good for a nail salon. Also I called because my gel manicure came off two days after I got it done and they made a big scene beachside they didn’t want to redo it. Then two days after that the rest of my gel came off because they don’t care about how they do nails here!!!! Don’t go here!!! Find some place else, it’s worth it!!!

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    Nicole Williams


    I've been going to them for years. The owner Tony does my nails and I'm more than pleased! I'm very picky, so that's saying a lot. 😊

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    Margaret McLoughlin


    I have to say that for the price this was a really good experience. My daughter and I got Hot Creme pedicures and manicures. Both technicians were not talkative, but that's fine with me. Will definitely go back!

  • en

    Christine DiMarzo


    Horrible!! I will never go back. My daughter and I went for the first time just to get manicures. My tech was pleasant but put no effort did s half fast job and I could have gone better myself. My daughter however got a girl who came over, clearly was having an issue with someone who worked there or a customer as I don’t understand the language and omg never said hi didn’t even look st what she was doing and cut my daughters nail so low she went under skin on an angle and neve buffer filed or did anything. Nail polish was all over the skin on top since she cut them do low. She was horrible, nasty and I should have said something to her but I was in shock. But after thinking and meeting someone else who also was having a terrible experience we both spoke up and told the manager!!!! I will NEVER GO BACK

  • en

    nicole villegas


    I love this place! They do a wonderful job and get me right in when ever I need!! I've never had a problem, my nails have always looked beautiful for weeks after getting them done here,no chipping or falling off!

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