Carla's Hair Salon w Mohegan Lake

Stany ZjednoczoneCarla's Hair Salon



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1735, East Main Street, 10547, Mohegan Lake, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-528-5017
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.3239596, Longitude: -73.8514557

komentarze 5

  • Shirley Napolitano Banker

    Shirley Napolitano Banker


    Great service. Professional care is provided by the entire staff and stylists listen to requests giving excellent results. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Ralph Santalis


    Going to Carla's is always a good experience, but going to Heidi makes it a greater one. She a true professional, she is caring and she makes you feel comfortable. When I come out I feel like a new girl. She listens to you and does what you want. She suggests without pushing when you asks for advice. It is always a pleasure to have my hair done with her.

  • en

    Betsy Garti


    I've been going to Carla's Hair Salon for five years now. Brooke colors my hair and gets it right every single time. Camille has amazing blowouts. All of the girls are professional, the salon is clean and their customer service is second to none. I go almost weekly and have never had a bad experience. One request: perhaps Carla could consider doing a blow out package deal...thanks for the great experience.

  • Steven M. Alper

    Steven M. Alper


    I've been going to Carla's irregularly for roughly 9 years and have invariably had wonderful experiences. And never have I been unhappy with a styling. It's a lovely, relaxing atmosphere, with friendly, courteous staff. The prices are extremely reasonable and the service is exceptional. And the fact that most of the chairs are full at any time of the day surely speaks of a popular establishment with a happy customer base.

  • en

    Catherine Selenikas


    I have been coming here now for a few years. Clean, friendly, courtesy, I love it here . As soon as I walk through that door I am greeted by the front desk girl who welcomes me, takes my coat and asks if I would like something to drink. Next I get my hair washed and go to Camille. I love her. She knows what I want and has never made me unhappy. Then another girl comes and ask if she can massage my hands, I'm in heaven. I highly recommend Carla's Hair salon. You wont be sorry.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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