Johnny Mica Inc w Lindenhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneJohnny Mica Inc



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116, East Hoffman Avenue, 11757, Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-225-5213
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.688889, Longitude: -73.36839

komentarze 5

  • en

    marie daniels


    When I couldn't find exactly what I wanted at furniture stores I knew I had to call johnny mica! He made me the most beautiful custom dresser, even better than I imagined! Great customer service anytime I had any questions ciana made sure to help! I would highly recommend johnny mica for your next bathroom kitchen and bedroom projects!

  • en

    Herbert Daub


    I've been a customer of "Johnny Mica" for many years. The workmanship and on time delivery is excellent. I will and do recommend them often. Herb

  • en

    sean doyle


    Just how long do hateful people get to leave there negativity on line? Not sure who Gregory is but I have used this company several times in the last two years and each time have been satisfied not just with there quality, but there professional demeanor and courtesy towards my projects and customers. Sean

  • en

    daisy cook


    I am shocked to read Gregory's review...which is completely misleading. Johnnny Mica produces cabinets of amazing craftsmanship ...furthermore, they are much more than simply cabinet makers...kitchens, bathrooms, living room built ins...if you show them an image they will come up with your vision within your budget (they have both domestic and imported options). They stand behind their work and are true dedicated professionals...We have used them for 4 different projects. Hard to find good old fashioned American workmanship...this company is it!

  • en

    Gregory T


    I can not vouch for the quality of their work as I didn't even get that far. I couldn't get past a phone conversation without being berated. I simply called to see if they would be able to Formica a counter I had made. Without knowing what it is I do and the quality of my work I got lectured on why I would start a project I couldn't finish and that it would cost the same to just cover it as if he were to make it. Furthermore I was told that he has been in business for 30yrs and has heard of all kinds of problems people have and suggested I email a picture of the counter and he abruptly hung up as if it were too much of a problem. I wouldn't waste my time

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