Dynamic Kitchens & Furniture w Copiague

Stany ZjednoczoneDynamic Kitchens & Furniture



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1385, Akron Street, 11726, Copiague, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-565-7636
strona internetowej: www.dynamickitchensli.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.683463, Longitude: -73.389588

komentarze 3

  • Peter Mancini

    Peter Mancini


    James built and delivered our bedroom set, living room tables, and dining room set after we were married almost 30 years ago. He bullt and delivered our 4 kids bedroom sets one by one over the years that followed. We still have all of His craftsmanship throughout our home to this day. We have moved most of this furniture 3 times across the country where it now rests in Colorado Springs. This furniture is still like new! Thanks you James for your beautiful designs and lasting craftsmanship! Among the best investments we ever could have made.

  • Quinten Maxwell

    Quinten Maxwell


    My wife and I had Dynamic Kitchens and Furniture of Copiague, New York manufacture and install custom kitchen cabinets for us. We dealt with Mr. Jim Zeffiro who is the owner of Dynamic Kitchens and Furniture from the start of the project through to its completion. All of the cabinets which Mr. Zeffiro manufactures are custom made in his Copiague woodworking shop (although he sub-contracted our cabinet doors out to another local company who did a superb job...the doors turned out great). After our initial conversations with Mr. Zeffiro it was apparent to us that he is a very experienced cabinet maker. Designing our own kitchen was difficult because we didn't know all of the in's and out's of cabinet design and layout. Mr. Zeffiro helped us through the design process and provided extremely helpful design advice and recommendations. One criticism we have of Mr. Zeffiro it is that he isn't very receptive to new design ideas (such as "kick plate drawers"); he's rather set in his ways and always wants to do things the way he's done them for the past 40 years. But this is OK...because the way Mr. Zeffiro does things is good...VERY VERY GOOD. Our cabinet installation turned out absolutely SUPERB. Mr. Zeffiro is a craftsman and the cabinets he manufactured and installed for my wife and I are gorgeous. In addition, after the initial installation there were a few issues which Mr. Zeffiro came back and fixed to our satisfaction. We did experience a problem: the production and installation of our cabinets was delayed for several months past our contract deadline which was very stressful and frustrating for us. I would normally take away one star for this problem, but we are so pleased with the end result of the work which was performed that we must -- without hesitation -- give Jim Zeffiro and Dynamic Kitchens & Furniture 5-stars. I read another review which stated that a customer experienced a problem with the paint/finish of their cabinets but we have not experienced this problem with our cabinets. I also read a customer complain, saying that it was difficult to get Mr. Zeffiro to come back to finish the work. We had this problem also, but we simply had to keep calling and bugging him and eventually it all got sorted out. Jim Zeffiro has his faults...I guess we all do...but the quality of his work is so good that I can overlook his flaws and say to him "Thank you very much Mr. Zeffiro...you did a GREAT JOB!"

  • en

    John Albertson


    Words cannot express my disappointment in a 35 thousand dollar kitchen that needs to be repainted in just five years. The cabinet boxes are nice however, they have flaking, peeling and chipping paint. Jim repainted once and we're still having issues. He says it's water causing the problem. We have problems where there is no water anywhere. Even if that were the case - it's a kitchen. It's reasonable to expect cabinets to handle splashing water.

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