Joe's Guitar Shop w Saddle Brook

Stany ZjednoczoneJoe's Guitar Shop



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361, North Midland Avenue, 07663, Saddle Brook, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-797-9377
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9095353, Longitude: -74.1078084

komentarze 5

  • en

    Abel Castaneda


    Joe is a wonderful guy and an even better luthier....i wouldn't think of going anywhere else for my guitar repairs and maintenence...he is also a first rate guitar teacher...patience and motivation are his trademarks...A+ all the way....

  • Rob Jaskiewicz

    Rob Jaskiewicz


    Honest, like-able, down to earth, knowledgeable, experienced. Fair. A good person in a not-so-good-world...

  • en

    David G


    GOLD rated Fender repair shop- for good reason! I took a buzzing Strat with very high action to Joe over the holidays. He found the time to get me in and he far exceeded my expectations. It plays much "better" than new (amazing action and zero buzz; he also leveled and dressed all the frets and did an expert set-up, etc.) He followed up regularly with me; was generous to share expert tips and his price was more than fair- especially for this level of work and attention to detail. If you want the job done right, I would highly recommend Joe at Joe's Guitar Shop.

  • Jack Cuffari

    Jack Cuffari


    I've known and depended on Joe for many years - for my acoustic and electric guitar repairs, maintenance and other gear needs. He's dependable, ethical, and a total pro. Whether I'm gigging or in the studio, I know he has my back!

  • en

    Dale Paradise


    Years ago I brought a very sentimental guitar to him to repair a neck that had been separated from the body. Not a difficult repair. When I met him, he was a very nice guy. He told me it would cost about $50. It ended up costing me over $200!!!!! I couldn't afford to get it back for a while!! I was pissed! He's obviously a shyster!! I should have known better from the dump he calls a shop! I also should have gotten a WRITTEN estimate!! That was my bad. NEVER AGAIN! Go somewhere reputable!

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