Joe's Auto Care w Ronkonkoma

Stany ZjednoczoneJoe's Auto Care



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301, Portion Road, 11779, Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-737-6426
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8280079, Longitude: -73.101062

komentarze 5

  • Dan Kantor

    Dan Kantor


    Been going here for my car repairs for 20 years. Honest and dependable. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Karen Doroganevskyi


    Great people that work here. They do a great job. Been coming here since they opened ☺️

  • en

    C Paolucci


    Great mechanics and honest fair pricing. Al is great mechanic who goes above and beyond.

  • en

    Matthew Terrano


    Best mechanic around. I've been coming here for years now. The guys over at Joe's are knowledgeable, honest, fast, and reliable. Thank you for all that you have helped my family and I with.

  • en

    Alan Page


    Considering I see some very positive review for this shop I can only suspect that if your not a regular than beware of this shark. I was in a jam needing an inspection as the current inspection had just expired, my regular shop was too booked and couldn't get me in. A friend of mine, who had a good experience with Joe's, recommended him so I took my car down. The minute I met him I should have know that he was dishonest because he immediately began asking me if I had repaired my brake lines or suspension parts before he even seen the truck! I sensed that he was already trying to figure out how he could fail the inspection before he had it up on the lift. Sure enough he give me call saying that the car passed the emissions, but failed the safety because the ball joints were falling out and the pulley on the alternator was the wrong one! That alternator wasn't touched in 10 years and the ball joints are completely fine, hence is passed inspection by a different shop a few days later. What Dishonest Joe's Auto Care did is a common in this industry and I have seen this before. You aren't a regular customer and have a last minute inspection that is due or overdue. The first thing they do is remove the sticker, so they sort of gotcha, and find something, anything even if you don't need it just to generate some revenue. Completely dishonest. He still charged me the $37 for inspection, any other honest shop would have left the sticker on and given me the option to repair it myself or have them do it, this shark was trying to force me into having it done! Now that it has passed inspection I reported him to the BBB and of course share this experience with Google

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