GT Transmissions w Ronkonkoma

Stany ZjednoczoneGT Transmissions



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325, Portion Road, 11779, Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-585-8012
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8283105, Longitude: -73.0998891

komentarze 5

  • en

    Gul Ates


    STAY AWAY! unprofessional workers! Called to see the status of the car and was told they need need my business and to come pick up the car. (Mind you I was told to call and check by the secretary there) NO ONE NEEDS THIS TYPE OF MECHANIC!! HORRIBLE!!

  • en

    Anthony Baiardi


    Awsome service and excellent staff. They are nothing but honest people and they do an exceptional job with the transmission. We have a Chevy trailblazer and 3rd and 4th gear went so we had to have the trans rebuilt. They give the best prices and they use the pest parts and you can tell with the way it shifts

  • en

    Patricia Tria


    At the recommendation of my nephew we have brought our vehicles here for transmission repair. So far they have done excellent work on the vehicle we brought here. I would not want a rush job done on such an important part of my vehicle. I like that they take their time to get the job done right. It is always a pleasure to speak with Pat. I highly recommend their service.

  • moemoe66horsegal



    Had my car there for 2 full business days to get a tranny rebuild, and called to check in on it and they didn't even move my car from where I parked it. Told them I was coming to get my car and didn't want their services anymore, and pulled in with a man trying to drive away with my car after we said we were coming down to get it, and was giving a huge attitude when I tried to get MY car that I own back! Don't work with this people they are untrustworthy and cannot handle things in a professional manner!

  • Jack Lawton

    Jack Lawton


    What can I say. Having a transmission issue is a stressful experience, but the staff at GT put me at ease. More important though was that they were straight forward. They called me to explain that I needed a rebuild, quoted me a price and stuck to it. You know how when you go to the mechanic, you are always calling trying to find out whats going on? With GT they were always keeping in touch with me. The communication was great and when I did call they were pleasant and took the time to walk me through the entire process. When I picked up my car Gary, the owner came out, shook my hand and thanked me for my business. A small business, with a family feel, who was excellent and warrantees their work

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