Jin Town Nail Salon en Ossining

Estados UnidosJin Town Nail Salon



🕗 horarios

172, North Highland Avenue, 10562, Ossining, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-923-1955
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.170071, Longitude: -73.8637808

comentarios 5

  • Nora Burgo

    Nora Burgo


    Very kind and they gave me a very professional treatment, thanks, I'll be back soon

  • en

    nick sarro


    Clean and professional. Wonderful experience. Great work!!

  • en

    Danielle Walsh


    The best. Very nice owners and prices are great, my nails look beautiful. She takes her time and knows how to actually do nails.

  • Rashinda Shane

    Rashinda Shane


    I called this nail salon to inquire about the location and the woman who answered was very rude and hung up . I called her back , and she yelled in my ear that I have the wrong #. When all she had to do was correct me , and give their correct address . I see why they have the reviews they have . They won't last long !

  • en

    Kassie Bray


    Horrible. Ive attempted to go to this nail salon three times, and everytime i cannot tolerate such a nasty attitude this lady infront has ! No wonder why everytime i try to go they are no where near busy and no staff ! My last attempt two days ago i went expecting to pay for a simple fix on an acrylic nail so i can fold the rest of my laundry and come back for a pedicure but the lady said "no". I simply said "what" i was so confused in the immediate rude response, she then clarified "no not my work, goodbye". I was so shocked. Never again ! I do not at all recommend. I would give no stars if i could.

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