New Queen Nails I en Ossining

Estados UnidosNew Queen Nails I



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139, Croton Avenue, 10562, Ossining, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-944-3155
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.167439, Longitude: -73.851919

comentarios 5

  • smartgal2010



    I love getting my nails done at Queen Nails. I was in last week and the girl that did my nails treated me wonderfully. We had a great conversation, and we clicked as soon as I got there. She did a wonderful job with my pink powder my nails look very natural

  • yazmin ortega

    yazmin ortega


    Muy bien

  • Angie Beckford

    Angie Beckford


    They need to learn how to do nails there's no reason that me and other customers that I don't even know complain that they're nails are either loose or pop off in ,2-3 days now they world be great if the nails had more glue they do nice job otherwise




    Excellent through male pedicure. Attention to detail.

  • Marquetta Mack

    Marquetta Mack


    First time when you get a full set it is nice its good, but when I went to go for a fill-in not even a week later my two thumb Nails popped off and I go to get it fixed they charged me $8 now not even another week past and my right thumb nail broke off again and now they're talking about $10

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