Jetmore w Wantagh

Stany ZjednoczoneJetmore



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3343, Merrick Road, 11793, Wantagh, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-826-1166
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6650926, Longitude: -73.5070625

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ryan Crosby


    Great place to buy a new grill. The staff are super helpful and knowledgeable about all of the grills they have. Also a good place to stop if you need propane, wood chips or even sauces for grilling.

  • Richard Jaffe

    Richard Jaffe


    Bought my last grill from here 17 years ago. They provided great service then, and this time too. Grills have changed a LOT over the past 17 years. I was overwhelmed with choices and information. Bobby at this place was so kind and patient with me, no pressure, very knowedgeable about every single aspect of every grill, genuinely concerned that i ended up with the right grill, not necessarily the most expensive. There is a wide variety of grills here. Prices were slightly higher than what you would pay online somewhere else, but who cares- you cannot beat the service you will get at this place. Thank you Bobby for taking the time to educate and guide me! UPDATE: grill delivered on time, as promised by two very polite gentlemen who patiently and caringly explained all of the working parts of my new grill. these people are great at their job, and they are great people too! Thanks to all!!!!

  • en

    Olcott Smith


    Very efficient and friendly staff, very knowledgeable about their products.

  • en

    carl Wiseman


    Bbq central. They have it all.

  • William Hoegler

    William Hoegler


    Jetmore gives very good service they come to your house for deliveres and repairs ihave no complaints

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