Jay S. Fishbein, DMD en North Bellmore

Estados UnidosJay S. Fishbein, DMD



🕗 horarios

2415, Jerusalem Avenue, 11710, North Bellmore, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-679-1145
sitio web: www.fishbeinperio.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6914415, Longitude: -73.5435748

comentarios 5

  • en

    Janis Skloot


    Dr. Fishbein and his staff are terrific. My mom had extensive surgery on her gums and she did not feel a thing. She followed Dr. Fishbein's advice to take a pain reliever immediately and again later on and rouse an ice pack. She never had any pain at all. The staff all treated her like a queen and she felt comforted and well taken care of. They were all friendly and professional. Dr. Fishbein called later that evening to see how she was! The answer is wonderful. Thank you Dr. Fishbein and staff. I recommend your practice to everyone.

  • Robbie Rosen

    Robbie Rosen


    Very thorough, knowledgable, & comforting. Truly all you can ask for!!!

  • Brian McCann

    Brian McCann


    Very nice staff. You would think it hard to leave a 5 star review for the man that pulls your teeth out, but somehow they managed to make it a pleasurable experience. Great teammates on the ship and the dentist took the time to sit with me personally and explain why and what needs to be done!

  • Bruce Miles

    Bruce Miles


    Dr. Fishbein and his staff are very professional and courteous. I have been going there for many years and have always been extremely happy with all of their work.

  • en

    Carol Fisher


    My experience today was a great one Dr Fishbein was caring and very professional. He took the time to explain everything to me and was concerned about how I was feeling. The nurses and staff were exceptional as well

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