Abramson Robert A DDS en North Bellmore

Estados UnidosAbramson Robert A DDS


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1179, Newbridge Road, 11710, North Bellmore, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-221-2271
sitio web: www.northbellmoredental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.691778, Longitude: -73.542547

comentarios 3

  • en

    mike wood


    Great dentist such a nice person and great at what he does everyone in the office is a pleasure!!

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    Scott Perlstein


    Dr. Abramson is the best in taking care of the patient. He was very detailed in his explaination of the work I received and was honest in his determination of the problem. I RECOMMEND HIM TO EVERYONE. I drive an hour to see him so you know it's worth the trip

  • en

    Mel Oster


    I have had very bad teeth since my teeth grew in. I lived at the dentist's office and could actually get an 'on the job training' degree. Of course I went to numerous dentists throughout my life and finally was lucky enough to find Dr. Abramson. He's the most knowledgeable and confident dentist anyone will ever meet. This man is actually the best dentist one can ever go to. If you're reading this you must be interested in a new dentist for yourself so stop the search and call his office. You will wish you knew me to say thank you.

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