IM Autohaus en Falls Church

Estados UnidosIM Autohaus



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551, North Washington Street, 22046, Falls Church, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 703-534-7222
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.8863593, Longitude: -77.163877

comentarios 5

  • F Nixson

    F Nixson


    The staff at IM AUTOHAUS are always knowledgeable and helpful. They’ve taken wonderful care of my cars for years. Cost conscious and technically astute. My ‘Go To’ auto shop! Thanks guys!

  • Miguel Rivera

    Miguel Rivera


    Great customer service. Amazing stuff. They are very honest and polite. They really know SAAB. I’m very please with all their work on my vehicle. Definitely recommended. I take my car for maintenance and issues I have had and all my problems have been solve. Keep up the good work guys.

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    Fernando Batista


    My background: I know about cars. I grew up in Los Angeles and I've been an owner of at least 20 cars - many of them used and most of them German. My choice of IM was random. I was actually looking for another business nearby, and I was in a hurry because of final days to get the DMV inspection passed. From the initial phone call with David who offered me an early morning visit, I can only say it was the smoothest first experience with a service shop that I have ever had. I liked Richard (later I found out he is the owner) and his very direct no nonsense way. I liked "Jack" who is the cool dog that I noticed because of his special breed and I liked David who is multilingual. The entire experience was professional. The work was done efficiently, I left without a feeling that I got screwed, and I made a decision that this is where I want to return for additional work on my now older but still decent condition MB. Relationships and marriages sometimes they don't evolve well, but an unforgettably good start can happen and make a person feel that this is going to be a long lasting friendship. That's how I feel right now and that is why I would recommend this business to anyone considering IM Autohaus for automobile services and repairs of any kind. Thank you IM Autohaus.

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    Ann Caraballo


    My husband and I live in New Hampshire and, thanks to Bryan, were able to purchase an awesome 2004 LR Discovery whose frame isn't rusted and rotted from all the snow -and salted roads- native to our New England winters. The entire process was speedy and seamless-- and done remotely! Bryan is transparent and direct in his business dealings and even offered to drop off- and pick up -the Disco from a nearby LR Dealership for a pre-purchase inspection. If that doesn't scream honesty, I'm not sure what does! We HIGHLY recommend IM Autohaus to anyone in the market for a used vehicle--whether local to VA or not. 😉 The Disco will be shipped to us soon. Update as of 2/28/18: Disco arrived safely to NH- & in record time -and is marvelous

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    Honest John


    Great used car buying experience, which sounds a like an oxymoron. Bryan and Maria are incredibly friendly and don't waste your time with hidden fees or the regular used car BS games, they are honest and forthright, and live up to their word/guarantee. I think I may buy all my future cars here. Thanks for the beautiful and perfectly priced 2010 Volvo XC90!

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