Eurowerks en Falls Church

Estados UnidosEurowerks



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531, North Washington Street, 22046, Falls Church, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 703-237-5266
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.8861907, Longitude: -77.1644735

comentarios 5

  • Lori Kaye

    Lori Kaye


    I'm so grateful for Eurowerks! They always provide excellent service for a fair price (certainly better than the dealership).

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    Hildegard Fehr


    Euroworks take care of the smallest details, without being ask. Communication is perfect, I could not be more satisfied.

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    Dave Oaks


    Great value! Ted, the owner, is extremely honest, awesomely competent, and available to answer questions or provide that extra bit of personal service when you come in. I would not be able to say the same about the service departments at VW dealerships in the area...

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    Thomas Kelley


    Very professional shop, including front office, estimator function, and mechanics. 5 year customer, never disappointed. Do a good job of anticipating maintenance needs, but don't overdo it, like most dealer shops.

  • JC Ewing

    JC Ewing


    Great customer service and attention detail. Let's just say I've own vehicles of all makes for almost 40 years. I have never trusted a place more or been so impressed by the level of customer service than Eurowerks. Service is quick, they use OEM and they communicate with you through out the process. I bought my wife an Audi instead of a BMW based on the level of service we could get from Eurowerks vs any other shop in the area. If you own and VW/Audi this place is a must.

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