Illuminations w Rockville Centre

Stany ZjednoczoneIlluminations



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251, Sunrise Highway, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-766-4880
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6576782, Longitude: -73.6454949

komentarze 5

  • Stephanie Adams

    Stephanie Adams


    Very nice staff, great classy selection

  • Andrew Pullicino

    Andrew Pullicino


    Very over priced and pompous. They carry the best and no one knows anything besides them according to them. Bought the same pendants that they had for 368.0 for 164.00 on line through Build. Com

  • Anon Ymous

    Anon Ymous


    I have purchased the following from Illuminations within the last 6 months: hallway chandelier, dining room chandelier, led bathroom light fixture, three kitchen pendant lighting fixtures, and two led outdoor lighting fixtures. First of all the showroom is filled with a wide variety of beautiful, high quality but competitively priced fixtures. What separates Illuminations apart from most stores is the friendly and knowledgable customer service. I have asked their opinions on a couple of fixtures. Just because a fixture is beautiful in the store, doesn't necessarily mean it is the right type and size for the area you want to display it in. Experienced salespeople, a large inventory, and competitive pricing are the qualities of a store I like to do business with repeatedly. That's why I shop at Illuminations.

  • en

    sebrina Oliver


    Place truly SUCKS, given 1 star just for their existence. Poor and racist customer service. I had to ask for help first of all, then the individual really did not want to assist me. I told her I needed 3 flush mounts for my hall and guest bedroom. That was a no because they don't have inventory. One of maybe each item on display or the floor models, also floor models aren't discounted. Then I asked do they have sale/clearance or discontinued items.b/c needed asap. This bottom chick started with a full monologue of how they do not haggle or discount their prices. I said, I didn't ask anything about haggling nor did I ask for a discount. I told the worker that I can buy anything I want in this store and didn't buy anything. They need to close down, little did she know that I'm a professional black women, we'll educated with deep pockets and If I wanted to buy her I could and much more to spend. One day soon I could be your Boss. Don't judge a book by it's cover. The store was near by, will never patron that place and will inform others. You Suck.

  • en

    Yvette Bonilla


    AWFUL. They fixed and lamp but it broke again several months later. They use cheap parts Btw what. Is this an owner phil talking about. The store ONLY has 2-3 stars on google

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