A Time for Karma w Rockville Centre

Stany ZjednoczoneA Time for Karma



🕗 godziny otwarcia

14, South Village Avenue, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-442-3200
strona internetowej: atimeforkarma.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.656118, Longitude: -73.648055

komentarze 5

  • Fabienne N Nelson

    Fabienne N Nelson


    I picked up great party gifts from here all within the charkra. I can spend hours of getting anything from this story. The staff are awesome, inituative, and helpful- really awesome, I love actually hanging with them. Anyway, I have a holistic practice about to be launch and I cannot wait to shop for little decorations for my clinic. What a great place,I want to win the lottery so I can invest in them,because clearly they are totally invested in the holistic community. Thank you for being here.!!!!!!!

  • en

    Caroline Bologna


    Wow, I'm speechless. This is the most beautiful place I've ever been to. There is a beautiful aroma and there is so much positive energy. You will want to buy everything and just live there

  • en

    anna englezos


    When you walk into A Time for Karma you feel a surge of positive energy surrounding you and a calming feeling throughout! Add to that the soft, meditative music playing and the beautiful aroma from the variety of incense available and you are as close to New Age Heaven as you can be!! You will NOT be disappointed in your quest for that special something you are looking for, either as a gift or as a "reward" for yourself for any or no reason at all!! CONGRATULATIONS to the owner Vonda, who with hard work, faith and elegant flair turned this place into an OUTSTANDING New Age Store!!!! Her love and enthusiasm shows in the vast selection of beautiful items that are available for your shopping pleasure!!! A satisfied customer, Anna

  • en



    Absolutely love this store! I was there for my first time last night for a class and the instructor was wonderful. The woman behind the counter was SO knowledgeable about the crystals. There is something for everyone in this store. I can't wait to go back over the weekend when I have more time to look around!

  • Brenna Croker

    Brenna Croker


    This shop is really great. I believe I've been here twice now and though it is a long drive out of my way, I am more than happy to make the trip given the prices and selection this store offers. I was especially pleased with the selection of tarot decks, which were not only reasonably priced (I've seen other shops sell them for upwards of $50 while this one sells them for about $20) but also available to test out and look at. I recommend this place to a friend and will always consider it my go-to for metaphysical items.

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