Huntington Bank w Canton

Stany ZjednoczoneHuntington Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

45375, Ford Road, 48187, Canton, Wayne County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 734-981-2586
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3215183, Longitude: -83.4871233

komentarze 5

  • David McGrath

    David McGrath


    First person in line today and waited 20 minutes to cash a check in person with four tellers available. I’ve had SEVEN past mistakes with deposits since September. Seriously, considering moving my banking somewhere else after the merger from TCF. The customer service has unfortunately been going downhill month over month :(

  • Alex “Maximillian 44” Leahu

    Alex “Maximillian 44” Leahu


    Tellers sorry, i think the manager is the same like tellers, becouse doesn't take no actions on his team (mediocre job), and the reviews what is on this branch. I think with all my accounts with huntington i am done with this location

  • DJ Davis

    DJ Davis


    I don't like going into this branch because they always look at me like I have a horn growing out of my head! They look at me, then down at my account balance, then look at me again. The tellers actually gather to look at my account balance in awe. It's ridiculous! It makes me uncomfortable. I do my best to do everything online and loathe when need to go in.

  • Uncle Scroge

    Uncle Scroge


    ATM was out of service. Went inside to get cash. Waited in line five to ten minutes. Teller wanted me to fill out withdrawal slip for cash instead of using debit/ATM card. I asked when the ATM would be back in service and she said in a few minutes. So, I walked out and got back in my car and went to the ATM, and in a couple of minutes, got my cash. Didn't have to fill out anything!

  • Joell Garcia

    Joell Garcia


    Why are people in the drive through less of a priority than those in the lobby? You would think after merging the branches together in one building there would be enough people to cover both the floor and the drive through. I guess not. Waiting in line for 30 min to get a withdrawal seems a bit much…

najbliższy Bank

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