House of Hair w Woodbury

Stany ZjednoczoneHouse of Hair



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8223, Jericho Turnpike, 11797, Woodbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-802-7077
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8162569, Longitude: -73.4688535

komentarze 5

  • en

    Cecily McGuckin


    Always a Great Experience to Walk Out with Shiny Bouncy Hair... Antonella is Fabulous and also Does Beautiful UpDo's

  • en

    Stacey Medina


    House Of Hair is a great salon! Everyone who works there is super friendly. Dawn is the absolutely best. She took my hair from damaged, over processed, black hair to a beautiful light blonde. It was a process of corrective color but in the end is was all worth it! After all the salons I went to prior to this and all the failures... I found dawn, she literally is a miracle worker! I Highly recommend dawn and this salon! You won't be disappointed.

  • Fallon Epstein

    Fallon Epstein


    Absolutely love this salon....I have been seeing Dawn for my cut and color for years and she does an awesome job I used her for my wedding!! Love the salon itself and all the girls are super nice and talented!! 👍🏽

  • en

    Staci Fensterman


    I have been a loyal customer of Amanda's at HOH for a long time. She is incredibly talented and unbelievable at doing all different types of hair. The salon itself is very clean and the blow out package is a great deal. Everyone who works there is extremely professional and nice. Best salon in town!!!

  • en

    Lauren Klein


    House of Hair is by far the best hair salon. The salon is always clean, and the staff is extremely friendly and welcoming. I have been going to House of Hair for a very long time now and always leave very satisfied. Jessy always does my hair and completely understands my indecisiveness. She always take the time to discuss color and cut options before just jumping right in. Jessy will also always give her honest opinion and suggestion and has yet to steer me wrong. The other staff members at House of Hair are just as talented. I have seen beautiful blowouts, intricate updos, and a wide variety of color treatments. I love House of Hair because the staff takes the time to learn your name and it is also easy to make an appointment. I always receive a ton of compliments on my hair too!! I would recommend House of Hair to anybody who is looking for a new salon.

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