Hops Brewhouse i Pine Bush

Forenede StaterHops Brewhouse



🕗 åbningstider

2142, New York 52, 12566, Pine Bush, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-524-4893
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 41.6057199, Longitude: -74.2941894

kommentar 5

  • en

    D M


    Cashier doesn’t know how to count back change. Would be nice if they sold at prices cheaper than Hannaford around the corner.

  • en

    Timothy Stack


    Hands down one of the best places to pick up beer. The staff is always friendly and knowledgeable; and most of all they have a fantastic selection of beer. If you can't find one your looking for then chances are you aren't looking well enough or if in fact they don't have it, they can try to get it for you. If your lucky enough to be there when the dog is present then consider yourself lucky; that is one of the nicest dogs I've ever met and so well trained! Seriously, do yourself a favor and go pick up a cold one! PS: shout out to the owner for be incredibly nice and recommending my new favorite beer!

  • Don Secor

    Don Secor


    My new favorite beer store!

  • Natasha Barham

    Natasha Barham


    Great people!! You can come in and get your favorite beer or you can get a couple of growlers and try your hand at local beers!!

  • digitalfl00d



    Very good beer selection. Great mix of domestic and import. Great mix of local, microbrew, and macrobrews. Good price. Rare and hard to find items available. Aged items available. Good on tap selection. Friendly staff. Very good use of space. Large refrigerated selection.

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