Country Wines & Liquor Inc i Montgomery

Forenede StaterCountry Wines & Liquor Inc



🕗 åbningstider

113, Hawkins Drive, 12549, Montgomery, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-457-3999
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.5108783, Longitude: -74.2113124

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tommy Starro


  • Andy Morison

    Andy Morison


  • en

    Jessica Hetlyn


  • Aleksandra Greene

    Aleksandra Greene


    If I could give no stars I would. Not sure if the Asian looking guy is the owner or not but him plus his elderly woman employee were nothing but rude and condescending to me when I went in there for a bottle of wine. I showed 2 proper forms of IDs and just because one of them was a green card (not expired or anything) they refused to sell me what I wanted. I felt discriminated. I hope everyone that owns a green card stays away from that place! You'll get nothing but snarky looks and even comments.

  • Shannon Moore

    Shannon Moore


    Love that there is a selection of local wines! Though, when I asked if they carried a California brand I was looking for, I got a cold "no" from the clerk, without even a suggestion or recommendation. Pretty off-putting to feel like an inconvenience. Hence the 4 stars.

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