Holiday Inn Express Hauppauge-Long Island, an IHG Hotel w Hauppauge

Stany ZjednoczoneHoliday Inn Express Hauppauge-Long Island, an IHG Hotel


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2050, Express Drive South, 11788, Hauppauge, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 631-348-1400
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Latitude: 40.8075961, Longitude: -73.2213584

komentarze 5

  • Ashley Alessandro

    Ashley Alessandro


    Our whole stay has been amazing. Check in was easy and they always have hot coffee available in the lobby. The staff are very kind and helpful along with accommodating. The hot breakfast every morning is amazing and I always saw the staff working hard throughout my whole stay. The laundry was helpful since we have been here a week. There is a fitness center and pool which is nice. Housekeeping works their butts off keeping rooms cleaned every day which is rare since COVID. I would recommend this hotel to anyone!!!

  • Christy D

    Christy D


    Great place to walk in and get a room on short notice. Right off the service road between exit 55 and 56 going east on the LIE. The pricing was good and the breakfast set up was great it had everything you could think of. The rooms very comfortable and cleanly they could use some new carpeting but the bed was super comfy. The pool area and the gym were nice too, it's too bad they don't have a hot tub. They have a little area where you can grab items you may have forgotten and you can charge right on your room makes it's a lot easier. Overall a nice place and staff was friendly and helpful.

  • R J

    R J


    Great motel. A little strict there is a "quiet time enforcement" posted in by the elevator from 9 pm to 8 am. They have a lovely lobby, the front desk host was wonderful, very helpful with refreshments and accommodations. Bathroom standard 1 terrible to 5 best. Shower head has adjustable water equalizer. About 4 settings. Standard size. Pressure is good. Halls are clean, no noticeable stains, damage, spills. We had 2 queen beds. Standard. All white and smelled line bleach which I liked. Smelled clean!1]

  • T M

    T M


    This hotel overall generally nice. The room was modern and clean, but an extra bonus for the super bright and spotless bathroom! The carpet in our room had a couple dark stains that we kept trying to avoid stepping on. The front desk attendant was extremely nice when we checked in, she was a very pleasant first experience. The hot breakfast bar was very well stocked and the food was better than average in my opinion. The downside, that took a star off of my review was; the morning front desk attendant on the day of checkout. I came down in the morning to ask a few questions, and he didn't ever once even say "good morning", "hello", "how are you", zero, zilch, nothing, just stared at me blankly. Even his response was curt, short, and dismissive. Customer service skills did not seem to be anywhere in his skill set. That's a huge no no for! When you're literally in the "Hospitality" business. Besides the unpleasant morning front desk agent, it's a decent hotel.

  • Rosie Lu

    Rosie Lu


    I stayed here for a weekend and it was a fine experience. King size bed was clean and comfy, bathrooms were fine and had the usual amenities (except the soap holder was falling off the wall so that was annoying), plenty of outlets, I liked the desk and the couch, the TV was big, and the iron/ironing board were helpful in a pinch. The continental breakfast was also not bad and has a decent selection of hot and cold foods. My only complaints are that the key cards are very finicky and we had to replace ours twice because the magnetic strip stopped working. Also we couldn’t figure out how to close the window shades so every morning we would get blinded by the sunrise. Overall, it was a fine hotel.

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