High Grade Auto Repair i Franklin Square

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377, Franklin Avenue, 11010, Franklin Square, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-326-2449
internet side: www.highgradeauto.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.697787, Longitude: -73.6821

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dean Vardakis


    My first time at High Grade Auto Repair and I was very very pleased with the service and level of professionalism I received. These guys were kind, helpful, and knowledgeable. Luigi took his time explaining and going over everything with me. I am a technician myself and recently the boss at my job has banned all employees from being able to work on their personal cars. Therefore, a job that I wasn't able to do myself in the driveway due to not having the proper tools, I went to high grade because they came very highly recommended. I am completely satisfied and definitely recommend these guys to anyone who has any doubts about where to go. Again, i am a technician for a large dealership and I can vouch for the guys at high grade auto. They are excellent and very fair. Awesome job guys, thanks again!

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    I had a great experience with these guys. From the minute I stepped into the shop, They took care of everything I had asked for and followed up with me every step of the way until my car finished . These guys are absolute professionals and i would recommend them to everyone, My car is running as good as new if not better. Thanks High Grade Auto Repair and you'll definitely be seeing me again!

  • Dori Kuritzky

    Dori Kuritzky


    Reliable service. Experienced mechanics. Very clean facility. Not over priced.

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    Emily Kaiser


    It's so hard to find a good auto repair service that's honest, reasonably priced, and incredibly skilled. Found it in High Grade. My Taurus has been running on its last leg for a long time, and I've gotten the run around from so many mechanics, putting a fortune into it. Frank at High Grade has been so trustworthy and helpful, saving me both time AND money. Highly, highly recommended!!

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    Fallon Wallace


    Car repair issues can be stressful and it is very hard to please everyone! I got lucky and am beyond pleased with High Grade Auto Repair. After years of receiving terrible, indifferent, over priced services from car repair shops in this neighborhood, I’m especially grateful. I found high grade auto online and am blown away by the excellent customer service and mechanical work that the owner and his team provided. Their 5 star yelp reviews are well deserved! Frank not only quickly ascertained ied why my “check engine” light was on (something my former mechanic could not figure out after 3 visits) he also informed me about diagnosis, cost and completion time. Prices were 40% below the dealership which is an answered prayer for me. HGAR will continue to be my only option for every automobile I will ever have. They have turned a complete nightmare into a routine service. I was able to sit comfortably in their waiting room and help myself to a coffee. Friendly and honest staff, fast service, great prices, exceptionally work. They won’t let you down!!

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