HEX Espresso Bar w Charlotte

Stany ZjednoczoneHEX Espresso Bar



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125, Remount Road, 28203, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 704-315-9852
strona internetowej: hex.coffee
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.2025612, Longitude: -80.8660154

komentarze 5

  • en

    Monica Matamoros


    Great coffee and cute little place. The fact that it is also a bar is a bit confusing. I wish there was some outdoor sitting but the coffee was delicious!

  • Ken Robinson

    Ken Robinson


    HEX coffee is a fantastic experience. They love the craft of coffee and it shows in everything they do. Molly the barista is a total star. She was super friendly and made an amazing latte. Do yourself a favor and go there for coffee.

  • en

    Christina Miller


    GREAT coffee, though quite pricey (the reason for the 4 stars as opposed to 5). The staff is friendly and unpretentious (what I tend to expect at high-end coffeeshops) and always willing to answer questions. Their seasonal drinks are ON POINT - they think creatively when creating their menu, so you aren't getting the usual "peppermint mocha" or "pumpkin spice." They are very unique. Keep in mind, it is a small espresso bar with limited menu, so don't expect 10 different flavor options. But their espresso is fantastic! I highly recommend it, even if just to treat yourself if you can't afford to spend $5 or more on a cup on a regular basis. Otherwise, I'd come here all the time!

  • Bianca Padilla

    Bianca Padilla


    Best coffee in Charlotte by far. Pretty expensive ($5) but worth it if you're treat(ing) yo self. They're coffee drinks come in interesting but delicious flavors, I think I had a dark chocolate rose latte or something similar which was so good. They're iced vanilla draft is a go-to for me. The location is great to work or just relax and they have an excellent variation of bottled and draft beers. Easy going and laid back vibe.

  • Dave Scaglione

    Dave Scaglione


    I am a huge fan of locally roasted coffee and Hex does not disappoint. I just moved here from Minnesota where we had the likes of Spyhouse and Dogwood coffee roasters (which are the best I've ever had) so it was good to see that Hex is on that same exact level. And to top it off, the staff/owners are great people and very helpful. They showed me how to step up my french press game at home so now I buy all my beans from these guys so I can have Hex at home. Also, it's a great place to come get some work done (I work from home) during the day. But wait, it gets even better: They have an outstanding beer bottle shop! I know, right? Coffee AND craft beer? Yeah, these guys know exactly what they're doing and I love supporting them. It's great to stop by every morning during my bike ride to get a coffee and then in the evenings stop in for a nice craft draft.

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