Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa i Allendale

Forenede StaterHand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa



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39, West Allendale Avenue, 07401, Allendale, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-719-9307
internet side: www.handandstoneallendale.com
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Latitude: 41.0284894, Longitude: -74.1277608

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christina Montanye


    What a great find here in Allendale. This was my first time at a Hand and Stone massage. The front desk was wonderful, from calling for my appointment to the check in check out process. Nancy was so relaxed that it was easy to sign up for a membership. The massage by Matilda was phenomenal !!! She worked out my hip pain and I was so relaxed during the session that I might have fallen asleep!!! Looking forward to going next month and trying a facial.

  • Barbara N

    Barbara N


    I actually didn't know what to expect as this location was in a strip mall and google maps took me literally to the wrong side of the tracks. I was met inside by really nice women at the desk who were extremely gracious and really set a tone. The whole spa was very warm and welcoming and truly like an oasis. I was there for a facial (my first( which I can't compare to anything else. Amy was amazing and I think I may have looked 10 years younger walking out (or just felt like it.) I will go back again, even though it isn't actually the closest one to me. It was that special.

  • Linnette Curiel

    Linnette Curiel


    I am always looking forward to get a massage at Hand and Stone in Allendale. The massage therapists are very professional and specialized in different types of massage. The ambiance is very relaxing . The place is immaculate. Excellent customer service at the front desk . Overall a great experience. Facials are also very good, they use high quality skin products such as Dermalogica.

  • Sunflower Seeds

    Sunflower Seeds


    My once monthly facial with Amy in Allendale, is a well deserved break from reality. So relaxing. Amy never disappoints. She is very knowledgeable about what my skin craves. Healthiest I've looked in years.

  • Justine Klingher

    Justine Klingher


    This is the BEST Hand and Stone location in the Hudson Valley. They are courteous, knowledgeable and hands on. If you get a facial you will think you are in New York City at the Red Door. They never take their hands or eyes off you. You are pampered continually. Their massages are also top notch. They are up with all the most current applications whether for your face or body. This is an absolute find and a neighborhood gem.

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