HackensackUMC Fitness & Wellness Powered by the Giants i Maywood

Forenede StaterHackensackUMC Fitness & Wellness Powered by the Giants



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87, New Jersey 17, 07607, Maywood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-843-4422
internet side: www.hackensackumcfitnessnyg.com
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Latitude: 40.8916795, Longitude: -74.0696801

kommentar 5

  • en

    N A


    They charged my account three times with the regular monthly fee even though my account was temporarily frozen. They still took off account freezing fee. Entire place has big computer failure all the time every time.

  • en

    Keri Bicking


    This is my 4th year training at the Wellness Center....it is always kept clean, has many options available for working out between machines, TRX, Keiser and classes. But what keeps me coming back is my incredible trainer, Chris H!!! He motivates me and crafts workouts that are customized to what works for me. He takes his responsibility seriously and I am a happier, stronger and healthier person for it! I recommend training with him!! He listens and responds to create the perfect workout!! Thank you Chris H!!!!

  • Julia Volski

    Julia Volski


    I've been coming to this gym for over a year now, mostly because my fiance goes there. The women's showers are almost always decorated with hair other miscellaneous things people leave behind and ever so often if you look up at the ceiling theres mold/mildew. I know the gym van wash the shower after ever person but they don't give us goers the opportunity to rinse the shower off either because there's only one shower head with no hand held shower arm. Another major problem is the hair dryers they supply for the women's locker room, very poor quality, i have shoulder length hair and it takes me almost 10-15 minutes just to blow dry my hair. I've seen other women bring their own dryers but i feel like that's just unreasonable when im paying for a full service gym. The gym itself is nice but since ive joined it has grown in new members and there's not enough equipment at times, such as benches, ab bench, leg machines, etc. Large gym area but poorly laid out. We stay with this gym as its close to work and home and is reasonable priced.

  • Brent Prize

    Brent Prize


    Gym is very clean. Between 4-7 pm the gym is packed. A lot of kids classes on the turf upstairs and in the pool. For 60 bucks a month, they really need some more weight machines. Retro has more machines then this gym. If you go to the gym from 11am-3pm, the gym is empty and very nice. Also, every snow storm they close which is pretty annoying.

  • Vin Mega

    Vin Mega


    I think this is a great gym and I enjoy working out here. The place is clean the machines are in great shape, there are plenty of 'areas' to work out. The pools and sauna and locker room are always nice and clean and never smell like a 'shitbomb' went off (like alot of other gyms). The staff is helpful the daycare is safe and I am comfortable leaving my son in there when I work out. Each weekend he and I swim during the family swim on the weekends. Ive had him take swimming lessons there and now he is like a 'mosasaurus' under the water. I also took training lessons and found them to be very helpful in kicking my workout routine into gear. It feels a bit luxurious at this gym and I like that.

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