Iron Reign CrossFit i Lodi

Forenede StaterIron Reign CrossFit



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10, Dell Glen Avenue, 07644, Lodi, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-310-6461
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.87954, Longitude: -74.088138

kommentar 5

  • Leon Miller

    Leon Miller


    Don't trust all of these rating I let a guy use my phone and he gave this establishment and another 5 stars. This maybe a great place but don't trust these ratings.

  • en

    rich Figueroa


    Love love love this gym. Been doing fitness for a long tike. Iron reign crossfit has been the best gym I've ever been to and I'm grateful to be part of such a supportive welcoming team. The workouts are well programmed and the coaches are amazing. Thank you guys for all you do

  • en

    Tina Minano


    Best Crossfit in the Lodi area!!! Their staff is very attentive, supportive ,and they know their stuff!!! If your'e looking for results I recommend this place to anyone in any fitness level!!

  • en

    Alexandra Giraldo


    This crossfir has changed my life. Been to alot of other crozsfits and never felt welcomed but iron reign did a great job at welcoming me and the workouts and coaching are amazing!!

  • victorias Mom

    victorias Mom


    I have only been going there for 2 and half months and I couldn't be any happier!! The changes in my body have been amazing! The coaches are spectacular and so motivating! Because of them I keep reaching my goals and exceeding them beyond my expectations!!! I'm so happy I built enough courage to come and give it a try!!! You should too!!!!

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