Great Clips w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneGreat Clips



🕗 godziny otwarcia

150 E Greaves Ln, Staten Island, NY 10308, США
kontakt telefon: +1 718-966-0689
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.553987, Longitude: -74.1427753

komentarze 5

  • Jeanie Bokelman

    Jeanie Bokelman


    Went in had to wait. I ask if they had someone that could cut curly hair. She said she did hair for 38 years and she could do it. She took all 5 minutes to do my hair she never sectioned my hair . She never gave me a mirror to see my hair. I wanted just a trim. I had waist length hair. I now have shoulder length hair. It isn't what I wanted. My hair grows really slow it will take over a year before it back to the length I wanted to maintain. I called to speak with the manager. I was polite and she hung up on me. I just want my money back.

  • Brian Castorina

    Brian Castorina


    I have been a client for over two years and always received decent service. I Recently started using Lucia at this location and she is amazing!!!!!!!!! Request her if you go there, she gives the best haircuts and is awesome!!

  • Karin K.

    Karin K.


    excellent. everyone here has been very patient and helpful.

  • Jason Lindelof

    Jason Lindelof


    There's been some recent turnover at this location. The two remaining girls that work there are phenomenal though. However I will miss the old staff that left. The waiting time has grown increasingly large due to the reduction in staff and workforce there now. Hopefully bringing some new talent in will help it to go back to the way it used to be.

  • en

    John Lindelof


    Very friendly hair stylists. Will listen to your needs. Highly recommended!

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